• Recommended software for Australian Schools: Unity LTS Release 2022.3.55f1> Installation Advice and Download Links
PD Workshops
With the changes to the technology syllabus now upon us, many teachers are looking for solutions which will keep their students engaged, challenged and offer a platform which students can utilise throughout their high school years and beyond.
The Digital Technologies and ICT Resources Portal (link below) lists a number of coding, game, VR and app development platforms however the Unity® platform is not only the market leader, it also accounts for around 90% of VR development and the majority of games available for over 20 platforms. The Unity® software is not a 'stepping stone' platform like Scratch, it is an industry-leading commercial quality development tool which students can use to create commercial-quality projects in primary, secondary school and beyond.
The Unity®software is a STEAM hub combining coding, art and design, 3d modelling, physics and more. Please visit www.unity3d.com for more information on the world's most popular commercial-grade game engine.
( Scroll within this box for upcoming PD Workshops )
Course Overview
Course Name: Coding + VR + Game Development with Unity® software
Career Stage: Proficient Teacher - Stage 2 - 6 (Years 3-12)
Duration: 6 hours
Workshop Type: Face to face, Hands-On
Cost: *$350
Course Summary:
Game development builds STEAM skills and addresses many of the syllabus outcomes in the Technology Mandatory, IST, Industrial Technology Multimedia, iSTEM, IPT and SDD. This includes coding, design and multimedia, problem solving, user interface development, creating and debugging algorithms through to compiling and deploying applications.
This course has been designed for absolute beginners through to experienced programmers and covers a lot more than just coding:
• Learn to write code and create commercial quality games using Unity® software ( www.unity3d.com ) - the most popular game development engine.
• Create realistic virtual worlds with sky, ocean and trees which blow in the wind as well as characters, and vehicles to explore the world.
• Write code in C# to create conditional statements, loops, functions, keyboard controls, detect collisions, create spawn points and manipulate physics.
• Code your own AI and discover the 3 most common types of artificial intelligence used in video games. Create your own AI Bots to chase the player, react based on distance from the player and navigate complex environments without bumping into walls.
• Plus ... creating and saving projects, debugging scripts, particle systems, lighting, shadows and much more.
Unity® software can be used to create simple 3D and 2D style games through to realistic environments, multiplayer games, animated short films as well as virtual reality and augmented reality experiences.
Teachers will return to the classroom able to create multi-discipline activities resulting in commercial quality student projects.
Targeted concepts are Computational and Algorithmic thinking, Project Based Learning, Design Thinking, and Integrated Learning.
NESA Registered Course
Completing the Coding + Game Development with Unity® course will contribute 6 hours of NESA Registered PD addressing 3.3.2, 3.4.2, 6.2.2, 6.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
Payment Options
Choose to pay by credit card, invoice or pay at the door - just make your choice at the checkout.
Unity® Software Installation
Please be sure to install and activate Long Term Support (LTS) version 2017.5.15f1 prior to attending the workshop using the link at the top of this page.
When you download and run the Unity Editor Download Assistant, please be sure to tick the following boxes:
Unity 2017.5.15f1
Visual Studio
System Requirements
Please check the System Requirements page at: https://unity3d.com/unity/system-requirements.
If your laptop does not meet the required system specifications, please visit the Unity® Archive and download a previous version back as far as version 5.3.4.
Please send support emails to team@gametraining.com.au with any Unity® software installation questions.
You may also like to bring a mouse to help with zooming and scrolling.
Lunch and morning tea will be provided. There will be vegetarian options available however please let us know if you have any other specific dietary requirements.