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Coding + Gaming
Lunchtime, Before or After School
Coding + Gaming Club
At every school there is a group of at least 30 students who are ready for more. They are ready for a serious commercial quality coding environment. Something that can really bring their coding skills to life.
You can be the person to give these students an amazing opportunity, to join the new Coding + Gaming Club at your school... and you do not need any prior experience with coding or with the Unity® software.
All participants will be introduced to a range of concepts such as creating 3D world’s, coding artificial intelligence and controlling characters, cars and planes. Learn how to write code to create spawnpoints, detect collisions, add keyboard or joystick controls and other skills needed to create your ultimate game.
The Coding + Gaming Club is an opportunity which you can make available to your students.
We recommend 30 students in the club.
The cost is $30 per student
The Coding + Gaming Club utilises The Experiments. All students receive a username and password to login to their experiments account.
Students can move at their own pace or collaborate and even work in teams.
The teacher needs no prior knowledge of the Unity® software or coding.
Download an Expression of Interest Note
Please call Jeff or Jamie on 1300885507 or email club@gametraining.com.au if you have any questions. Click the image to download an expression of interest note.
Once you have 30 students who have expressed interest, let us know and we will assist in getting everything started.